It has been a little while since my last journal entry. It feels like I've been bouncing between games quite a bit and have yet to get back to Skyrim. Right now I'm indulging in Asura's Wrath (Xbox360) and Resident Evil Revelations (3DS) while killing some time with some phone games, mainly Bug Village and Gravity Guy. Found a way to get around the glitchiness of Bug Village and had to start over from scratch. Basically Glu put out a real stinkfest with this title riddled with issues like the screen going black once your village is up and running and certain bugs disappearing making it impossible to 100% the achievements. I've been having a blast with Asura's Wrath and I'm currently doing a playthrough with the Mortal gauge equipped to earn the "Who Needs Health" achievement and the Obliterator gauge.
Achievement progress:
Asura's Wrath: 545/1000 (34/45)
Bug Village: 80/200 (3/7)
Gravity Guy: 5/200 (1/20)
My last game at 100% was Bastion 200/200 on 2/20/12
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